
Signature Club

Signature Club by Hiro Okazaki
Signature Club, a photo by Hiro Okazaki on Flickr.
9/5 テイツクリークロード沿いにランズダウンという古くて落ち着いたいい住宅街がある。Signature Clubは1958年、元々はその地域の住民のクラブとしてデベロッパーによって作られたらしい。2005年にレキシントンの事業家ロン・ターナーとトロイ・ターナーによって引き継がれている。レストラン、バー、プール、テニスコート、フィットネスセンターなどなど充実した施設がメンバーになれば利用できる。
9/5 Along to Tates Creek Road, there is sedate subdivision named Landsdown. They say Signature Club was developed originally for the homeowners for the subdivision by the developer. In 2005 Native businessman Ron and Troy Turner took over the business and has been operating. Very ample facilities including restaurant, bar, pool, tennis courts, fitness center etc.. are available for members.

1 comment:

Hiro Okazaki said...

I happen to meet Mr. Ron Turner and his ifwe last Saturday at Cheapside Farmer's Market. As I happened to have this original sketch so I introduced myself and shared this with him. They looked really surprised with this, so I presented this to them. I'm very glad to have that opportunity. I do appreciate those who are running business in town and maintain the buildings beautiful. I hope I can contribute somehow to appreciate and celebrate the business owners' such efforts. Someday, I want to be such a business owner and building owner too.