8/12-13 ジョージア州アトランタで開催された全米剣道選手権大会へ参加。剣道の全米大会は3年に一度開かれる。全米の各団体の所属するフェデレーションを代表して選手、チームが参加する。
私自身も息子と一緒に選手として参加したため、スケッチする時間はほとんどなかったが、これは試合の待ち時間を過ごす子供たちを後ろからスケッチ。岩瀬翔平くんとTHOMAS 小泉くん。
8/12-13 We participated All US Kendo Tournament 2011, held in Atlanta, GA. The event is held every 3 years. Kendo players and teams take part in representing their federation which they and their clubs are belonging. From our federation, ECUSKF (East Central All US Kendo Federation), Jr. Youth, Sr. Youth and adults participated. Everyone Our adult team got through the clarification round and we won 1st round in the tournament then became so called the best 8. The team we were beaten was Southern California Kendo Federation, which became the champion in the event. The result of individuals matches are not well, but it was great experience and we learned a lot from this event.
I also participated with my son as a player, I didin't have time for sketch, but this is the one I did sketching, our team member Shohei Iwase and Thomas Koizumi waiting for the matches.