

8/30 ケンタッキー大学はバスケットボールで有名だ。ニックネームはWildcats。全米チャンプ7回はUCLAについで第2位。このチームのホームがこのRupp Arena。 かつてのコーチのAdolph Rupp氏にちなんでつけられている。23,500人を収容するこのアリーナがホームゲームではいつも満員。大学スポーツのスタープレーヤーは即ち地元のヒーローだ。
8/30 UK (University of Kentucky) is famous for college basketball. Nickname is Wildcats. 7 times NCAA champions is second to UCLA. This team's home is Rupp Arena, which was named after former coach, Adolph Rupp. The home game is always sellout for the 23,500 accommodation. Star players in college sports is the heroes in the town.

My Tools

8/29 今日は1日忙殺されてしまい外でのスケッチはできなかった。それでも毎日スケッチすることは続ける。で、私のスケッチの道具をスケッチ。こうして描いてみるとペンにはやっぱりコダワリあるなあ。ロットリングアートペンとはもう20年の付き合い。
8/29 As it was too busy to go out for sketching. However I'm keeping sketching! Then I decided to sketch my sketch tools. I found I am hang up to something write with. I'm working with rotring Art Pen for 20 years.


UK Stadium

8/28 我が家はアラムナイドライブ沿いの住宅街にある。アラムナイドライブはUK(University of Kentucky)のキャンパスへの大きな通りで当然大学にちなんで名づけられたのだろう。この通りからUKキャンパスに入ると大きなスタジアムが目に入る。UK コモンウェルススタジアムだ。UKのフットボールチームWildcatsの試合で駐車場はいっぱいになる。今週から9月入り。アメフトのシーズンインだ。
8/28 My house is located in the subdivision off Alumni Drive. Alumni Drive leads to one of the gates of UK (University of Kentucky). The name of the road was named after the college I guess. You will see big stadium when you come into the campus from this road. It is UK Commonwealth Stadium. The parking lot is occupied with so many cars for the UK Wildcats' football game. It will be September this week. American Football Season is starting.



8/27 In Lexington in KY, when you say"UK", it doesn't mean United Kingdom, but University of Kentucky. This part of UK campus, close to downtown there are good cafes and many students are walking around on Saturday evening too. It is cool outside after sunset. The street is lively with their laughter.
8/27 レキシントンでUKといえばイギリス(United Kingdom)のことではなく、ケンタッキー大学(University of Kentucky)のこと。UKのキャンパスでもダウンタウンに近にこのあたりは、カフェも多く土曜の夕方も学生たちでに賑わっている。日が落ちると外は涼しい。学生たちの笑い声で通りも明るい。


Houston International Airport, TX

8/26 テキサス州ヒューストンに日帰り出張。帰りの飛行機の窓からようやく1枚だけスケッチ。暗い機内で着色してたらスチュワーデスのおばさんがLEDで照らしてくれた。おばちゃん、ありがとう!テキサスでも1枚。ワールドスケッチャーの世界はさらに拡がる!
8/26 Day trip to Houston. Sketched only one today from the window of returning flight. Painting in the dark cabin, the flight attendant woman helped me with lighting the picture. Thanks! Then I did one in TX. The area of the World Sketcher is expanding!

Gallery B

8/25 チープサイドパークでは木曜夜好例のフリーコンサートで大勢の人でにぎわっている。建物以外の練習に、と何人かをスケッチ。で、気を取り直して1ブロック隣をスケッチ。始めるのが遅かったからすっかり暗くなっちまった。夏も終わりかな。
8/25 The Cheapside Park is astir with very popular Thursday Night Live tonight. For practicing other than buildings, I sketched a few people, then changed subject to the next block buildings. As started late, it got dark when I finished. Summer is ending.


5/3 Pavilion

8/24 歴史博物館の隣にあるチープサイドパークにフィフス・サードバンクパビリオンがある。夏の間毎週木曜日夕方ここでフリーのライブが開かれている。この広場に面していい雰囲気のカフェやバーがあり、仕事帰りの一杯を楽しむ野郎がたくさん集う。ダウンタウンのにぎやかな一角。明日は木曜日!
8/24 There is 5/3 Bank Pavilion at Cheapside Park, adjacent to History Museum. Every Thursday night during summer season, free concert named "Thursday Night Live" is held. There are some good cafes and bars, many guys enjoys drinking after work. One of the Jazzy spots in downtown. Tomorrow is Thursday!


Aden and Jester

8/23 You often happen to meet policemen on horseback in downtown in Lexington. Today also at a corner of downtown, they are very popular in the local people and tourists. They're giving us peace as well as comfort. Aden is 4 years old and Jester is 12. Like cars emit exhaust, these two animals also put out something. Watch your step!
8/23 レキシントンのダウンタウンで騎馬警官に出くわすことがよくある。今日も夕方ダウンタウンの一角で地元の人々や観光客の人気者で、町の安全を守ると同時に安らぎも与えている。Adenは4歳、Jesterは12歳。車は排気ガスを出すが、この2頭も生き物故、出すものは出す。足元注意!


St Paul Catholic Church

8/22 Short Street has a kind of attractive mood, which is next one of the main street. The St. Paul Catholic Church, which is located just next to Lexington Opera House, is used be the tallest building in Lexington, according to a man who talked to me during sketching. The tall steeple head is highly visible in the area. This building is contributing to make attractive atmosphere of the Short St. with neighboring school.
8/22 レキシントンのメインストリートから一本入ったショートストリートには小洒落た雰囲気がある。スケッチをしている時に声をかけてくれたおじさんによれば、オペラハウスの横にあるセント・ポール・カソリック教会はかつてはレキシントンで一番背の高い建物だったそうだ。高い尖塔は周囲からでもよく目立つ。隣の学校と並んでいい雰囲気を醸し出している。


Thoroughbred Park

8/21 レキシントンのダウンタウンの入口にサラブレッドパークという公園がある。そこのモニュメントは「世界の馬の首都」というレキシントンにふさわしく競馬のゴールの瞬間をあらわしたブロンズが見ものである。2体しか描いてないけど、本当は7体あるんだけどね・・・。脇にある噴水と水の流れも、このレースを動きを感じさるものになっている。

8/21 There is a park called Thoroughbred Park at the corner of downtown in Lexington. The monument is expressing the moment of horse race rushing into the goal, which is very suitable for another name of Lexington as "The horse capital of the world". Actually there are 7 horses running here, I drew just 2 of them, though... The fountain and water stream are contributing to make the moment very exciting.


Japan Summer Festival

8/20 The Japan Summer Festival hosted by JASK, Japan/America Society of Kentucky, was held in Jacobson Park. There were Kendo clubs demonstration where I'm belonging to, Bon Dance and Taiko (Drums) performance and many other stages. Also Yo-yo fishing, Kimono-fitting, etc. It's great time for Japanese kids too who are away from Japan. Both Americans and Japanese enjoyed spending time until getting dark. Thankfulness to JASK and many volunteered staffs to make this happen.

8/20 今日はJASK(ケンタッキー日米協会)主催の日本祭がジャコブソンパークでの開催された。私の所属する剣道部の演武や盆踊り、そして太鼓の演奏もあった。ヨーヨー釣りや浴衣の試着など、日本を離れている子供たちにとっても日本の夏を思い出す貴重な時間。日本人もアメリカ人も夕暮まで楽しい時間を過ごした。企画してくれたJASKとたくさんのボランティアスタッフに感謝。

University Heights Academy

8/19 Sketched University Heights Academy in Hopkinsville in Kentucky. One of our important customers' daughter went to this school. The customer is leaving the USA after his long assignment in the U.S for Japan. Hope this picture remind them with great memories in Kentucky for ever.

8/19 ケンタッキー州ホプキンスビルのユニバーシティ・ハイツ・アカデミーを描く。我社の大切なお客様の娘さんが通った学校だ。その客様が長いアメリカでの駐在生活を終えて日本に帰国される。絵とともに、美しいケンタッキーでの思い出をいつまでも持っていてほしい。


S Limestone Avenue

8/18 Sketched S Limestone Avenue. It is fun avenue to walk as you can enjoy watching many colorful historical preserved houses. There are many restaurants along to this street between University of Kentucky and Downtown Lexington. This street was recently repaved and turned more attractive.

8/18 サウスライムストーン通りを描く。この通りにはたくさんのカラフルな歴史的保存建築の住宅が並んでいて歩いて楽しい通りだ。ケンタッキー大学とレキシントンのダウンタウンをつないでいてレストランも多い。最近道路が新たに整備されてより魅力的な通りになったね。


Lexington History Museum

8/17 Along to the Main Street in Lexington, you find many historical buildings. This is the one of those. Currently it is used for Lexington History Museum, and was Fayette County Courthouse. It was another nice day today and I enjoyed sketching outside.
Yesterday I was accepted as a member of "The Urban Sketchers", world wide sketchers group. I am the first "accepted sketcher" in Kentucky. Yes!

8/17 レキシントンのメインストリート沿いには古い建築物がいくつもある。これもそのひとつ。現在はレキシントン歴史博物館として利用されている。かつては、フェイエットカウンティの裁判所だった。今日もいい天気!屋外でのスケッチは楽しいね!


400 W Main St. Lexington

8/16 日本ではお盆の時期だが、こちらレキシントンは既に朝夕が涼しくなってきた。仕事帰りにダウンタウンの一角のショッピングビルをスケッチ。再開発の工事で道路や公園は工事が多い。歩いて楽しい街になってほしいものだ。Jim Gray市長に期待!
8/16 It is so called OBON, the hottest season in Japan, but here in Lexington, it is getting cool in morning and evening. Sketched a commercial building at a corner of downtown Lexington. Many construction works on roads and park are on going for the redevelopment of downtown. Hope it turns fun walking street. Hurrah, Mayor Jim Gray!


My office: Gray Construction

8/15 終業後、私の仕事場であるGray Constructionの本社ビルを描く。レキシントンのダウンタウンの一角にあり、もともとは1960年代に建てられたデパートを改装したものだ。現在の正面は実は元は裏側。メインストリートに面した昔の表側は米国の保存建築として手がつけられない。社名すら出せないので、メインストリートからくるお客さんには判りにくいのだ。
8/15 After work, I drew my office, Gray Construction head quarter building. It is located in the downtown of Lexington and converted from the original department building. Current front side is originally backside. The original front side has been preserved and can not be modified. As we can not present our company's name, it is very hard to find out it is Gray Construction if you access from Main Street side.

Driving Home

8/14 アトランタからの帰り道は家内がずーっと運転してくれた。

8/14 My wife drove all the way home.
It is about 380 miles from Atlanta, GA to Lexington, KY going through TN state, taking about 6 hours. Usually I drove on long drive, but recently she got used to do recently. As I had headache today, I was taking off on front passenger seat then sketched.

Lookout Mountain Incline Railway

8/14 アトランタからの帰りにテネシー州チャタノーガのルックアウトマウンテンに立ち寄る。世界最大の傾斜角のケーブルカーだそうだ。確かに下から仰ぎ見るとほぼ垂直に上っているようにさえ見える。期待に胸ふくらまして乗車、下向きに設置された座席はどんどん前のめりになってくる。ここでケーブルが切れたら・・・と思うとぞっとするが、5分少々の楽しい乗車であった。あっけにとられたのは、上駅にはお土産のお店以外の何もないこと。このケーブルカーだけが観光の目玉であった。この商売根性に恐れ入りました。
8/14 We visited Lookout Mountain which is famous for having the world steepest passenger railway on the way back to Lexington, KY from Atlanta, GA. From the bottom, it look like climbing up the cliff in right angle. We got in and found the seats are set facing down. higher going up, the more seats facing down. We were scared imaging what if the cable cut off now, but it was interesting experience. Surprising was there was nothing but the souvenir shop on the top station, though...


Kendo Friends

8/12-13 ジョージア州アトランタで開催された全米剣道選手権大会へ参加。剣道の全米大会は3年に一度開かれる。全米の各団体の所属するフェデレーションを代表して選手、チームが参加する。
私自身も息子と一緒に選手として参加したため、スケッチする時間はほとんどなかったが、これは試合の待ち時間を過ごす子供たちを後ろからスケッチ。岩瀬翔平くんとTHOMAS 小泉くん。
8/12-13 We participated All US Kendo Tournament 2011, held in Atlanta, GA. The event is held every 3 years. Kendo players and teams take part in representing their federation which they and their clubs are belonging. From our federation, ECUSKF (East Central All US Kendo Federation), Jr. Youth, Sr. Youth and adults participated. Everyone Our adult team got through the clarification round and we won 1st round in the tournament then became so called the best 8. The team we were beaten was Southern California Kendo Federation, which became the champion in the event. The result of individuals matches are not well, but it was great experience and we learned a lot from this event.
I also participated with my son as a player, I didin't have time for sketch, but this is the one I did sketching, our team member Shohei Iwase and Thomas Koizumi waiting for the matches.


Fort Smith, AR 1st day

夕食はGray の顧客である三菱重工さんの方々とご一緒させて頂いた。地元のレストラン、Market Placeは野菜や健康を志向しているのか、市場の雰囲気の店内。Cajan Rib-eyeを食す。これがなかなかGood!
8/9 Visiting Fort Smith, AR state. Sketching during moving, too. Airplane at Lexington Air port, Delta Lounge at Memphis Airport, People waiting for boarding, Sheets in the airplane, Hotel room layout in AR.
I had dinner together with our important customer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. We went to local restaurant named "Market Place". Their concept looks vegetables and healthy things, interior is very nice. I took Cajan Rib-eye. That was great!
I will visit the construction site tomorrow after the ground breaking ceremony. 6 weeks for substantial completion!


Ghirardelli Square

7/22 今日はレンタルサイクルで街を走り回ることにした。2台を借りて前半は坊主と私が、私は下の娘を後ろに乗せて走り出した。Fisherman's Wharfから海岸沿いの自転車道は風が気持ちいい!しかし、下の娘を乗せての上り坂はさすがにきつい・・・。Golden Gate Bridgeの手前の登りを父ちゃんは頑張る!お前らを乗せて!っとやたらに気合が入った。
On 7/22, we decided to ride bicycles. We rent 2 bikes. My son rode himself and I with my younger daughter on back. Cycling road along to the beach is wonderful, but realized it's much heavier than I thought with my daughter in climbing slope. Climax was the big climbing slop just before the Golden Gate Bridge. Daddy is working so hard carrying you guys! It was fun ride with great fighting spirit. We planned to return after the bridge, but as it is so nice, we went down to Sausalito for third time visit. Hooray! We took ferry from Sausalito to downtown. Took a rest at Chirardelli Square famous for its chocolate. What a wonderful day today again!


7/21は再びSausalitoへ行くことにした。前日の訪問で家族全員がこの町を気に入ったのだ。ヨットハーバーの中に小さな砂浜を見つけ、ここで1日を過ごすことにした。レンタルのシーカヤックで内海を探検!陸風が強くて港の外に押し出されるのはちょっと大変だった。その後、ヨットハーバーに座り込んでスケッチを始めた。通りがかりの人たちが足を止めて覗き込む。「これ売ってくれるかい?」とか、「Sausalito Art Festivalのポスターに出品しなさいよ!」とか、いろいろ声をかけてくれるのは、スケッチをしていて一番楽しいひと時だ。時間を忘れてスケッチに没頭する。こんな幸せな時間を過ごせることに感謝している。
On 7/21, we visited Sausalito again. All family members like this town on yesterday's exploration. We found small beach in a yacht harbor and decided to spend playing in here. We explored inside of bay with rental sea kayak. It was a little hard to come back with strong wind. After that, I sketched yachts on the harbor. Some walker stopped to watch my work. "Do you sell this?", "You should submit this for Sausalito Art Festival poster." I was so happy with their comments. I devoted myself on sketching. I'm really thanking that I can have such a wonderful time.


View of San Francisco from Tiburon

7/20 の午後は太平洋側の海岸で遊んで、Golden Gate Bridgeを渡り、Sausalito, Tiburonへ。サンフランシスコの喧騒から離れて落ち着いた高級住宅街。TiburonのヨットハーバーからはGolden Gate Bridge、対岸のダウンタウンが見える。夜景を期待して夕食はTiburonのレストランで食べることにした。地元に根付いた中華料理店で22年目だそうだ。チャイナタウンの中華は全くおいしくなかったが、ここのは上手くてリーズナブル!Dynasty Restaurant
1801 Tiburon Boulevard, Belvedere Tiburon, CA
We visited Sausalito and Tiburon going over the Golden Gate Bridge after playing at the beach facing to Pacific ocean. It's a high status residential area out of bustle downtown of SF. We found great long distance view of SF downtown and Golden Gate Bridge from Tiburon yacht harbor then decided to wait night view. We had dinner at local Chinese restaurant in Tiburon, which is much greater than expected. They've been running for 22 years. Great dishes and reasonable price. Dynasty Restaurant 1801 Tiburon Boulevard, Belvedere Tiburon, CA


7/20今日はサンフランシスコの観光名所を回ることにした。最初は定番のフィッシャーマンズワーフへ。上の娘が一番買い物を楽しみにしていたところだ。5人家族で動いていたのでは大変なので3つのグループで散策することに。上の娘とカミさんはPier 39へ。私は5歳の娘と港を散歩。坊主は一人でぶらぶらする。オットセイは今回はあまり見かけない。埠頭の先端でアルカトラズ島をスケッチ。娘はダウンタウンの高層ビルをお絵かき。風が強く肌寒いので、15分で描き上げる。

On 7/20, we went to San Francisco sightseeing major spots. At first to Fisherman's Wharf, where elder daughter was looking forward to visiting for shopping. As with group of 5 would be difficult to walk around together, we split to 3. Wife and elder daughter went to Pier 39, I walked about with younger daughter, 5 years old. And my son walked around by himself. At the end of pier, I sketched Alcatraz, while she did with skyscrapers of downtown. As it was windy and chilly, finished in 15 minutes. We got together for lunch and ate widely known clam chowder soup to get warm. It's summer, though...


Stanford University


On 7/19 we visited Stanford University. I tried to reserve the tour, but it was already full. Then we went there early to wait for cancellation. But the recipient student, who seems good at both study and sport, representing smart Stanford student, said "It'll be no problem." So we could join luckily! 1 hr admission seminar and an hour and half guided tour was so impressive. The 2nd largest campus all over the world is very well designed to support students who dedicate to study or research. Of course tuition is really expensive, but as other private universities in the US are also expensive, I believe this is the college to go.


Berkeley, CA

ブログの名前を改めて、World Sketcherとした。
翌日、7/18(月)から本格的に行動開始。大学めぐりだ。UC Berkeleyを訪問。充実した美しいキャンパスを学生の案内で1時間半をかけて見学。高校1年の坊主にとってはUK以外で初めて大学見学。こんな大学は入れたらいいのにねえ・・・。丘の上のUC バークレーから内海の方に降りてくると4th Streetというかわいらしい街がある。自由に散策。私はカフェの近くに座り込んでSF最初のスケッチ。風が心地いいなあ。

Now I restart updating this blog. I will try to upload one sketch with one story everyday.
I'm going to start with my family trip to San Francisco in 7/16-23.
The first day was so excited with the world cup of women soccer final game. It was wonderful win! After that we went to Japanese town to visit Japanese book store, where my kids really wanted to go. As it is very hard to obtain new Japanese books in Kentucky, it is rare chance for them to see new books and mangas.
2nd day was for college visit. We went to UC Berkeley, one of the greatest college in the US. We joined the guided tour by students. It was very impressive. Dad wonders if my son, turning to sophmore, could go to this kind great college... Down the street from UC Berkeley to the sea, we found pretty shopping street named 4th street. We stopped for a while for walking and snack time. I sketched the corner of shopping square as the first one in SF. Wind and weather is very cozy.