The World Sketcher
This is the blog of Hiro Okazaki as a World Sketcher. Will be updated almost everyday with Hiro's sketch and short story.
For M family in Irvine
A friend of mine who lives in Irvine, CA is going to back to Japan for his new assignment. I sketched his house per his request, which his family spent many ours with great memories. I am hoping his picture will remind them their great time in CA. Here is the comment from him.
"In 2010, when we moved in US, my wife and I talked that we would like to buy one picture which we like the best. It might be landscape painting, or might be building painting, anyway it should show our memory in US. 2year and half past since then, it is the time we return to Japan. After long consideration, we decided to ask Hiro to paint our house. We are totally satisfied with his painting and this must be the best evidence to show we are there. There’s no other painting like this. This became our best memory in US. Thanks Hiro!!"
CH house 2 of 2
This is C's car and his old house garage, he sold last summer. He requested me to creat a watercolor for his good memory of the house.
CH house 1 of 2
This is C's old house, he sold last summer. Very nice Cape Cod styled home. He requested me to creat a watercolor for his good memory of the house.
JW mom's house
Testimonial: (Justin W in OH)
“My parents recently moved from a registered historic home into a new home. My mother absolutely loved the historic home so I wanted to give her a memoire of it. Hiro’s work captured some of the key elements that she loved about the house. In addition, the added sentimental value of having a great friend turn the home into an art piece is priceless.”
Woodbridge South Lake in Irvine
Drew requested from Mr. S in the same time with his house.
Mr. S's house in Irvine
Draw Mr. S's house in Irvine. He requested to draw the South Lake nearby. Here is his comment.
"2枚とも私の期待を上回る出来栄えで非常に嬉しく思います。正直個人的にはサウスレイクの方に力が入っていたのですが、自宅の絵も非常に 雰囲気よく描いていただいており、2枚お願いして良かったです。" "I am very happy that both works are much nicer than I expected. Personally I wanted the one for South Lake rather than my home, however I found the one for home is also really nicely done. So it was good to request to draw both home and the lake."
Mr. M's house in Japan
Draw Mr. M's house in Japan based on the picture provided. He is very happy with the work itself.
”‘Received the work successfully. Real one looks really nice. This became one of my treasure. I will put this onto the wall immediately. Thank you so much!! ”
885 Woodside Apartment Homes
This is Luxury Apartment in Redwood City in Calidfornia. 2012, Apr.
Farm Lex SC
This is another work for gift. A client gave this to her husband. Very pretty home in a farm in Lexington.
2012, Mar.
Lex farm 2012
This is a gift for husband of a client.
Located in a great horse farm. 2012, Jan.
The Village Irvine
Apartment named Village in Irvine, CA. The client lived the corner of the apartment. They said they really enjoyed the life in here. I was requested to creat this for thier great memory when they went back to Japan. 2012, Mar.
Nichollasville 001
This is another opportunity for Christmas present for her Husband. Their house is located at the end of culdesac and have very beautiful front yard. Many kinds of plants floors. She taught me the kinds of plants so I can put colors on those imagining spring time. I'm very glad to have this kind of opportunity for gifts. Of course the person requested look happy. Also I hope the person who receive the one of the kind gift would be very happy.
これはまた別のクリスマスプレゼント用。依頼人のご主人へのプレゼント。このお宅は通りの一番端に位置していてとってもきれいな前庭がある。多くの種 類の草花があって、私が春の風景をイメージして描けるように、彼女はそれぞれの名前を教えてくれた。
こうしてプレゼントに私の絵を使ってくれるのはとてもうれしい。もちろん依頼者も喜んでくれるが、世界に一つのプレゼントを受け取った人にも是非喜ん でもらいたい。
American Queen
I had several opportunities for friends to draw pictures for their Christmas presents. This is one of them. American Queen is a steam boat providing a wonderful river cruise in Mississippi, Ohio and Tennessee rivers. You'll find detail here.
今年、友人がクリスマスプレゼントとして使うために、何件かの絵の依頼があった。これはそのうちの一つ。アメリカン・クイーンというミシシッピー川系 水域で数日間のリバークルーズを提供しているいわゆる蒸気船だ。ゆったりとした川の流れを楽しむアメリカらしい休暇の過ごし方だ。詳しくは、下記ホー ムページで。
Mr. NT's in Lex
I drew this for my friend, Mr. NT for his memory in Lexington, KY.
Short and Limestone
10/9 It was nice Sunday. There was a parade in downtown and many people got together for the event. At a corner of the event field, I set my easel and put some of my work of downtown, which became a small small outside gallery. I started sketching next to it. Many people stopped watching my sketching and talked to me. Beautiful Sunday afternoon.
10/9 いい日曜日だった。午後にはダウンタウンでパレードがあってたくさんの人々がイベントに参加していた。イベント会場の一角にこれまでに描いたダウンタウンの絵の一部をイーゼルに置いて小さな小さな野外画廊の出来上がり。その横でスケッチを始める。多くの人が立ち止まって覗き込んだり話しかけてきたり。楽しい日曜日の午後。
HR's townhouse in OH
The townhouse is pretty and the black car is their favorite too.
From Mrs. HR
"We all family are very glad to have this nice watercolor. This is our commemorative for our life in America."
HK's house in OH
Many big trees and big front yard make the house more attractive. Very nice approach to the entrance.
From Mrs. HK
"It's nice! Our kids could tell at a glance 'Wow, It's our house!' I wondered where to put this picture, then found a place where it look natural, but everybody who came to my house will find this without fail. I really appreciate for this. I will talk to my friends about this surely."
Y's house in OH
From Mrs. Y
”It is 5 years since we've lived in the US. This is a house that holds fond memories for our family. We'll take care of this picture and show in our house. Even after we go back to Japan, I believe this picture will remind us a great memories in the U.S. Thank you very much.”
I's house in OH
Mr. & Mrs. K introduce me to their friends in OH. Then I created these watercolors for them. This is one of them. The big tree in the front yard is very impressive.
From Mrs. I "Thank you very much for creating the heart warming picture of our house. It is our nice memory." 「とても心温まる絵をありがとうございました。素敵な思い出ができました。」
K's house in Lexington
K family is our good friends with all my family. They moved to Lexington from Ohio and I had a chance to sketch both houses. I got a great compliment from K family.
House in Lexington
Very well depicted the features of the house in Lexington which has more classic character and wider blue sky impression than the house in Ohio, maybe because of smaller trees. Both pictures (in Lexington and Ohio) will be our great lifetime treasure with the picture of the house in Washington DC we lived. Thank you very much for the great pictures.
K's house in Ohio
K family is our good friends with all my family. This house is the one they lived in Ohio. Below is a comment from Mrs. K.
House in Ohio
Very well captured the features of this house; spacious front yard and the gentle slope, also the big trees in the back yard. This reminds me of the 3 years life we got through a lot together and a lot of memories with new many friends in there.
9/25 A corner of downtown. The signage of "Berkley-Guthrie & Watson built 1885" is on the top triangle wall. This building is located just next to Lexington History Museum. As there many historical buildings around here, this building may not be a outstanding, but I think this is also one of very well-designed historical building in downtown.
9/25 ダウンタウンの一角。「Berkley-Guthrie & Watson built 1885」のサインが頂部の三角の壁に見える。この建物はレキシントン歴史博物館の隣にある。周りには歴史的な建物が多く、この建物自体はあまり目立ってはいないが、よくデザインされた歴史的な建物の一つだと思う。
First Presbyterian
9/25 Yesterday at Cheapside Farmer's Market, I met a lady who wanted me to sketch this church near by. As I went sketching after lunch on Sunday today, the area was already quiet after the morning service. It was sunny Sunday afternoon. I enjoyed sketching.
9/25 昨日チープサイドパークの農家市場でこの教会を描いてほしい、という女性に会った。今日、日曜日の昼食後にスケッチに出かけた。日曜礼拝の後でこのあたりは既にひっそりしていた。天気の良い日曜の午後。スケッチを楽しむ。
Dudley's Patio
Per request from Dudley's restaurant owner, sketched both building and patio. The patio is on 2nd floor and it's really a nice hiding place in downtown.
レストランDudley's のオーナーのリクエストでDudley'sの建物とパティオを描く。2階にあるパティオはダウンタウンの隠れ家的な雰囲気で素敵な場所。
Dudley's restaurant
This building is originally a part of a big one in this block, but now divided and owned by several owners. Dudley's is a relatively a new restaurant in downtown opened in 2010, renovated this old building. This restaurant is contributing to the downtown's atmosphere keeping the historical facade. Further more Dudley's is providing vitality and smiles to the downtown as a great restaurant. As an citizen, I'm very proud of having this kind of restaurant in our town. In the same time as a sketcher I'm very happy to have opportunity to sketch such a beautiful building. I'm hoping the more this kind of stores, the more attractive this Lexington downtown will become.
Courtyard Deli
9/24 Local Farmers' Market is held every Saturday at Cheapside Park in downtown. It's fan to see the markets with many fresh vegetables and fruits and people. The Courtyard Deli is located facing to the park. I started sketching at the corner of the park. Today, I brought a easel to put my works done around downtown. Many pedestrians seemed to be interested in and watched them. I got a request to sketch a church near by. I'm very happy to make people happy with my sketches.
9/24 土曜日の朝、チープサイドパークでは地元の農家のマーケットが開かれている。新鮮な地元の野菜や果物、そしてたくさんの人々で賑わっていて楽しい。コートヤードデリはこの公園に面していて、私はその一角に陣取ってスケッチを始める。今日はイーゼルにダウンタウンで描いた作品を載せておいた。市場に来た人たちも興味を持ってくれて覗きこんでくる。近所の教会を描いて、というリクエストもあった。絵で人に喜んでもらえるのは幸せだなあと思う。
Court Square Bldg
9/23 Sketched Court Square Building from one block away. This building is located at the corner of main Street and Cheapside Park. This building design is very unique and one of the landmark in downtown. It rained today, then it is getting colder.
9/21-2 ダラス空港からアーカンソー州フォートスミス行きの飛行機に乗る。8時をまわって暗くなってきた。通路を挟んだお隣さんはお休みモード。私はスケッチで忙しい。
9/21-2 Boarding into the airplane to Fort Smith, AR. It's past 8 and became dark outside. The passenger next to me, the other side of aisle, looked asleep. I'm busy on sketching.
9/21 私は空港、飛行機が好きだ。空港のモダンな建物と滑走路などの強い水平線。そして飛行機の曲線の美しさ。たくさんの物が混在して忙しいがその慌ただしい活気もいい。ケンタッキー州レキシントンからテキサス州ダラスフォートワース国際空港を経由してアーカンソー州へ出張。ダラスの乗り換えの待ち時間でスケッチ。夏時間でまだ明るいが9月も下旬になり、日が落ちるのが早くなってきた。
9/21 I like airport and airplane very much. Modern buildings in the airport and intensive horizontal line like airstrip and beautiful curving line of airplanes. Many activities are also lively. Traveling to Arkansas from Lexington, KY via Dallas- Fort Worth Int'l Airport in TX. Sketched during connection time. Still it was bright enough for sketching in the summer time, but it is getting dark earlier than used to.
Awesome Inc Gallery
9/19 しばらくです!先週金曜日のGallery HOPイベントのために火曜日以降、急な準備でスケッチの時間がとれませんでした。さて、そのHOPイベントのレポートです。金曜夜のイベントでその日の午後にちょこっとだけのアナウンスにもかかわらず、何人もの同僚が見に来てくれた。また、場所がダウンタウンのはずれで他のギャラリーからは遠かったが、私のスケッチを見てくれた人は面白がってくれてレキシントンの街や絵についてのフィードバックをくれた。最後に見に来てくれたお医者さんのご夫妻は、大変気に入ってくれて、彼らの診療所と家を描いてほしい、というリクエストをもらった。イエーイ!!で、昨日の日曜はそれを描きに出かけておりました。一応、個人の建物なので、許可を得てからまたここでシェアしますね!何れにしても、今回このイベントに参加するために協力してくれた方々、応援してくれた皆さんに心から感謝したい。どうもありがとう!
9/19 It's been a while since I uploaded last. For the preparation for the Gallery HOP event last Friday, I couldn't have a time for sketching. Today, I will report about the exhibition. Even with a very short notice of the event on that day, several my colleagues and their family were very kind to visit the exhibition. Also all the audience seemed to enjoy watching my sketches and gave me very lovely feedback for town and sketches even though the location was a little far from other galleries. The last visitors, a couple of doctor, was liked my works so much that they gave me a opportunity to sketch their office and house. Wow!! Then I went to sketch them yesterday. I'm going to share them here when I get a permit from them. Anyway, I really appreciate the all the people who supported me and encouraged me to do this event. Thank you very much!!
Gallery HOP
348 E Main Street, Lexington, KY 40507
Sep. 16, 2011 5PM - 8PM
LexArts HOP event
9/14 今日はちょっと長いよ。 昨日、ダウンタウンでスケッチをしていると建物のオーナーのボブが話しかけてくれて、Gallery B のAnalisaに会ってこいと勧められ、彼女に会いに行き、LexArt HOPイベントのことを知った。ここレキシントンでは2,4,6,9,11月にダウンタウンの美術館やギャラリー50か所を開放してアート作品を展示し、市民にアートに親しんでもらいながらダウンタウンを活性化しよう、という活動をしている。これってすごくない?私も参加できるかもって思ったけど、今月は今週の金曜日。ってことは、四明後日。さすがにこれからギャラリーに相談してもな・・・と思ったが、いつものJamesの教え「断られてもいないのに諦めるな!」を実行しないとね!で、参加ギャラリーすべてのWebをチェックし、展示してくれそうな所すべてにEmailで「明後日のHOPイベントで私の絵を展示させてくれませんか?」とオファーした。で、今日、なんとその1つのギャラリーからOKの返事が来たんだよね!ワオ!これってすごくない?で急きょ家に帰ってギャラリーでの展示の準備に大わらわ。子供たちの手も借りて最近の作品を写真のように準備したってわけ。明日はこれを持ってギャラリーと打合せ。で明後日は初めてのギャラリーデビュー!つい1月ほど前にUrban Sketchersに参加して、みんなに励まされて毎日続けてきたら、何だか面白い展開になってきた。何か違う世界。いつも作品を見てくれて応援してくれるみんなに心から感謝しています。本当にどうもありがとう!
9/14 It's long story today. Yesterday, when I was sketching in downtown. a building owner, Bob talked to me that I should meet Ms. Analisa, owner of Gallery B in downtown. Then I went to see her and learned about the LEXARTS HOP event. It is a activity in downtown in Lexington that 50 Galleries and museums open to public for people to enjoy arts and downtown. The 3rd Fridays in Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep, and Nov are the dates for the event. That's really cool, isn't it? I thought this may be great opportunity for me too. Then in this month, this coming Friday! Oh no.... It's just a few days after today. It's too late to ask galleries to put my works in there.... But as always my mentor, James says "Don't give up before asking", then I thought, "OK, let's try". I checked all the participating galleries' web and sent offering emails to those who would be interested in my works. Then today, one gallery responded OK!! Wow!! Isn't this wonderful? I came home and started preparing for the exhibition with my kids. These are the ones I created recently. Tomorrow, I will meet the person in charge in the gallery and the day after tomorrow is the debut to the gallery! I joined the Urban Sketchers about a month ago and kept working on that with many friends' encouraging comments. Now it is becoming really interesting, I feel it's changing. I'd like to express my great thankfulness to my friends here. Thank you very much!!
9/12 チープサイドという名のレストランがある。ちょっと変な名前だがチープサイドという通りにあってなかなか雰囲気の良い店。裏にはユニークなデザインのオープンテラスがあってダウンタウンの人気スポットの一つ。
9/12 There is a restaurant named "Cheapside". It sounds a little odd, but actually it is located on Cheapside Street and it has nice atmosphere. They also have uniquely designed open terrace on back. It is one of the popular spot in downtown.
9/11 今日はダウンタウンのDudley'sで家族でブランチ。9.11のテロから10年、チープサイドパークでは追悼コンサートが開かれている。多くの人がスケッチを見て立ち止まり話かけてくれる。スケッチをしていて最高の時間だ。Dudley'sのオーナーがこの絵を気に入ってくれて改めて建物とパティオを描くことになった。ラッキー!
9/11 Had branch at Dudley's at Downtown as family. After 10 years of 9/11 disaster, memorial concert was being held. Many people stopped watching sketch and talked to me. The best time in sketching. Dudley's owner likes this sketch and got request to create ones for building and patio. Lucky!
HC teachers
9/9 Attended Open House in Yuya, my son's high school and got brief explanations from each teacher. Sketched in a few minutes. I felt every teacher is kind of unique and lot of fan. Enjoy your school!
Morton Middle School
9/7 モートン中学校はキャシディ小学校の隣にあって裏のグラウンドは共有している謂わば一体的な運営をしている。2年前に祐也はここを卒業し、佑美は今ここに通っている。創立1834年。今年が178年目。
9/7 Morton Middle School is just next door to Cassidy Elementary School and they share some facilities and functions such as back ground. Yuya graduated here 2 years ago and Yumi is in here. Established in 1834, so this is 178th year.
Cassidy Elementary School
9/6 This is the elementary school my daughter Yumi went. It is located closed to downtown along to Tates Creek Road. I like the historical design and tower of the building.
9/6 娘の佑美が通ったキャシディ小学校。テーツクリーク道路沿いのダウンタウンの近くにある。歴史的 な外観とタワーがいいね!
Signature Club
9/5 Along to Tates Creek Road, there is sedate subdivision named Landsdown. They say Signature Club was developed originally for the homeowners for the subdivision by the developer. In 2005 Native businessman Ron and Troy Turner took over the business and has been operating. Very ample facilities including restaurant, bar, pool, tennis courts, fitness center etc.. are available for members.
9/4 今日はKさん宅に家族でうかがった。娘さんのけいこちゃんがお蕎麦を打ってふるまってくれた。けいこちゃんは技術系の大学生。学習意欲旺盛で蕎麦作りも習得中!
9/4 Our family visited Mr. K's today. His daughter Keiko kindly cooked Soba, Japanese noodle for us. She is college student learning technology. Highly motivated to study and learning how to make Soba too.
Corn Field
9/3 剣道のセミナーのためにインディアナ州アンダーソンに出かけた。帰り道、トウモロコシ畑と大豆畑が続く田舎道を行く。コーン畑の中に、こーんな農家の納屋とサイロが点在する。娘の杏美曰く「なんやと?」
9/3 For Kendo seminar I visited Anderson, IN. On the way home, I took country road in the corn and soybean field. There are many this kind of farms along to the country road.
Steve Brewer
9/1 I drew this last Thursday. In the Thursday Night Live at Cheapside park, I was looking for a model to practice portrait sketch, but most people are moving around, it was difficult. Then I found Steve. He is electrician and waiting for the live's ending to pull out the setting. He was kind and became my model. As it was just a few minutes, I did tell him my website, but I couldn't get his contact. If you know him, just tell him your portrait is here!
9/1 このスケッチは先週の木曜日に描いた。チープサイドパークの木曜フリーライブで人物画を練習するためにモデルを探していたが、みんな動き回っていて難しかった。でスティーブを見つけた。彼は電気屋さんでライブの撤収のために待っていた。親切にモデルに協力してくれた。 時間が数分しかなかったので、私のWebは確かに教えたんだけど、彼の連絡先を聞いていない。そこのあなた、もし、スティーブを知っていたら教えたあげてよね。君の似顔絵がここにあるよって!

8/31 これまでのスケッチから、我が家の裏庭のツリーハウス。2007年から今の家に住み始めた。裏庭に覆いな古い木が2本あって、幹が八方に広がって中央が空いていた。そこにツリーハウスを作ることが小学6年生になった息子とのプロジェクトになった。2007年秋に床と手すりが完成、2008年に中段のプラットフォームと階段をつけ、2009年に手すりを新しくした。今のところ屋根、壁はないが、ブランコやターザンロープも遊べるこのツリーハウスは、我が家に遊びに来る子供たちにとっての目玉アトラクションだ。

My Tools

UK Stadium


Houston International Airport, TX